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Results for «Free rider»

Qatar's Horse Guard

56m 32s

In 2009, the Emir of Qatar decided to create a mounted guard on horseback. Training 15 young soldiers in record time, with some of whom never having been near a horse, is a real challenge. Thierry Delavaud, former commander of the French Republican Guard, was entrusted with this mission. A human, equestrian and linguistic adventure.

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Polo in India

52m 53s

Polo was born in India 150 years ago. This film takes us to Rajasthan, holy land of polo, where it remained, for a long time, a Maharadja’s privilege. Guided by Lokendra Singh Rathore, polo champion and husband of the Princess Bhargavi Mewar of Udaipur, we invite you in the Rajput’s palaces where the tradition of polo is perpetuated, then follow the champion on the Jaïpur polo ground, where he will set out to conquer the Simur Cup.

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